"GINSETSU NO SATO" is located in the northern part of Nara City. A traditional Japanese house is used as facilities.
"GINSETSU NO SATO" has a kiln of pottery. A female pottery artist Aya Okamoto makes colorful bowls and accessories. Ceramic experience is available.

岡本 彩プロフィール
- 1992年奈良県生まれ
- 2015年京都伝統工芸大学校陶芸専攻卒業
- 2017年大丸 神戸店、近鉄百貨店 奈良店にてお菓子とお皿のセット販売(SINLESS LAB FOOD DESIGN 様)
- 2017年「銀雪窯」開設
- 2017年実店舗「銀雪の里」をオープン
- 2018年阪本久枝著 「昨日より太らないお菓子できました。」に10点掲載
- 2018年茶道家 田中賀鶴代先生の茶会にて茶碗をデビューさせ好評を博す
- 2018年近鉄百貨店 橿原店 「現代の職人 十人十色展」 に出展
- 2018年京都府和束町主催「お茶サミット2018 in WAZUKA」 茶碗出品
- 2018年中国杭州文化経済博覧会にて呈茶席 ご使用
- 2018年「車いすおもてなし隊」茶会に「車いすおもてなし隊」オリジナル茶碗出品
Okamoto Aya Profile
- 1992
Born in Nara Prefecture.
- 2015
Graduated from Kyoto Traditional Crafts College Ceramic arts.
- 2017
Performed set sales of sweets and dishes at Daimaru Kobe department store and Kintetsu Nara depaetment store. (SINLESS LAB FOOD DESIGN)
- 2017
- 2017
Open real store「GINSETSU NO SATO」.
- 2018
10 works were posted in a publication of Hisaeda Sakamoto "Ten sweets more fatten than yesterday."
- 2018
Made tea ceremonial debut at Master of Sadou KatsuyoTanaka's tea ceremony and got popular.
- 2018
Exhibited at "10 Modern Craftsmen Exhibition" of the Kintetsu Department Store Kashihara.
- 2018
Tea bowls exhibited at "Tea Summit 2018 in WAZUKA"
- 2018
Tea bowls exhibited at "Hangzhou, China Culture and Economic Fair"
- 2018
Tea bowls exhibited at "Tea ceremony Kurumaisu Omotenashi-tai."
カフェスペース、ギャラリー 営業時間変更のお知らせ
カフェ ( 営業時間 / 11:00~17:00 営業日 / 金・土・日 )
物販( 営業時間 / 11:00~17:00 営業日 / 金・土・日・月・火 )
Notice of Change in Café Space and Gallery Hours
Café ( Open 11:00-17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays )
Gallery Sales ( Open 11:00-17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays )
You can enjoy handmade sweets and beverage with our works made in Ginsetsu kiln.
We bake original cookies without any additives. We not only sell handmade sweets, but also share the rich time surrounding the sweets with everyone, and hope to deliver the richness of "life with handmade".
カフェスペース、ギャラリー 営業時間変更のお知らせ
カフェ ( 営業時間 / 11:00~17:00 営業日 / 金・土・日 )
物販( 営業時間 / 11:00~17:00 営業日 / 金・土・日・月・火 )
お問い合わせ番号 : 0742-24-5170
Email : info@ginsetsunosato.jp
〒 630-8114 奈良県奈良市芝辻町607-3( 最寄りのバス停 : 長尾町 )
Notice of Change in Café Space and Gallery Hours
Café ( Open 11:00-17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays )
Gallery Sales ( Open 11:00-17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays )
Contact Number: 0742-24-5170
Email: info@ginsetsunosato.jp
607-3 Shibatsuji-machi Nara, Nara Prefecture 630-8114(Nearest bus stop: Nagao Town)
If you are coming by car because of the enclave, please set Navi at 「Nakagawa Town Nara City 607」.